Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Degree Result!

All the hard work finally paid off...

I was a very happy lady!!!!

A night to explore....

A little trip to Liberties couldn't be missed while in London, I fell in love with this cabinet...perhaps for the workshop?! If I had a bit more money.

One evening we went to Harrods to eat cake...of course! But as art students we couldn't turn down the opportunity to visit the British Museum.

Some photos to help generate new ideas for future designs...perhaps!

New Designers and London living...

I have to be honest, I did pretend I lived in London while New Designers was on!! I loved it!

I shared an amazing apartment with four friends in High gate and cooking together all week saved a few pennies too! It was my first experience at New Designers and couldn't get over the scale of the place...or the heat for that matter! It was very warm all week! Not good when we had to carry all of our work and display units up a few flights of stairs...twice! 

New Designers on the day of arrival.

Day 2: Setting up our work.
We didn't have that much space to move...but we got there in the end.

Beautiful sunshine!

The finished article... minus the toolbox!
The tutors worked really hard to curate this space.
A job well done!

Degree show!

Well it's been a little while since I last updated my blog, so it's about time I did!! I have lots of lovely photos to upload, so I will say no more!

Our degree show at Hereford College of Arts.

Everyone worked so hard and we put together a fantastic show. The private view was a lot of fun and nice to see everyone all dressed up!